Wednesday, December 31, 2014

New Years Eve...Blah Blah Blah

(Last Selfie of the year) 

I'm in a Blah mood...sort of. 

Sitting here watching football (like I do most nights), no problem with that....

I'm flipping back and forth through Facebook, Instagram, Twitter looking at everyone's pics, promises, resolutions for the New Year. I love looking at all of this kind of stuff but I don't know why. 

I would love to be a big dreamer and think that I'm going to start something tomorrow and stick with it. But I'm not.  I don't go on crazy diets, I already exercise and I don't like making promises that I can't keep. 

Tomorrow, I'm going to run with my fellas (which I love) and then I'll be home watching my Bama boys (which I also love). Shocker. I'm going BuckWild in 2015.

Coulda shoulda woulda.

What I do know is that I've had a pretty fantastic year and I really haven't even set my mind to too much...I made my mind up a couple of months ago on some things that I want to accomplish in 2015, and really I don't care if it's in 2015, I just want to get it done. And I will. 

I've got a couple of things that will put me waaaaaay out of my comfort zone but I don't care, I'm diving in. Let's just say....well let's just say, I won't give the details on those. 

I stay busy everyday (probably too busy) and don't want to have to pinpoint one particular day to make me feel like I've got to pack it all in or else I'm not accomplishing things. Oh baby do I accomplish things! 

So my mood is not really all that Blah but I don't feel like blowing party horns either. Okay, just kidding. I've got a trip around the corner next week and I'm packing my party horns! 

I'm keeping my eyes on the prize...Bring on 2015. :) 

Happy Running and Happy New Year! 

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