Friday, January 31, 2014
Better Hurry and Register! Price increase coming soon! #RUNCMM
Have you registered for the St. Jude Country Music Marathon and 1/2 in Nashville?!? Are you planning on it?? If you are, better do it quick and beat the price increase! Registration fees will go up after January 31st.
I'm really excited to run my first Rock n' Roll Series event and can't wait for all of my running friends to join me!
Use Code BAMAGIRLRUNS for even more savings and save $10 off of the current registration price!
No more excuses! What are you waiting for?? Go here to get registered and come kick up your boots with me in Nashville!!! You know you wanna! ;)
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
Meet BamagirlRUNS! Run Nashville!! #RUNCMM
What a super exciting day for me! I'm a featured Rock n' Blog Ambassador for the Country Music Marathon in Nashville! I was totally honored that they chose ME to participate in this fun Blogging experience!
I'm really looking forward to running my 6th Marathon in Nashville, Tn! 26.2 Miles through the streets of Nashville! That city better be ready....Me and my girls, @iplanDisney and @carrieburrows are coming to town and we are going to have FUN!!! Training will be fun so be sure to follow along, ya'll!! Here is the article via the Rock n' Roll Marathon Series Blog:
Meet BamaGirlRuns | Kristin
I was inspired to start running by my sister. She had just done her first 5k and the pictures looked like a ton of fun from her race and I knew that I wanted to try it. My kids were also all about to be in school and this stay-at-home mom needed something to cure the blues of her babies all being out of the house!
Running has become a “normal” part of my family’s life. I put my training and races on the calendar just like I put my children’s ballgames on the calendar. No one questions it or views it an inconvenience to them. It’s what I do. I like that my hobby is setting a good example and I can involve my family as well. Everyone in my town knows me as a “runner” and I’m totally down with that!
The Rock n’ Roll Marathon Series has definitely played a role in my life. I have been really excited to train for the 2014 Country Music Marathon race and I think it’s really important to get excited about things that are priority in your life.
I am excited to run CMM because I absolutely LOVE the city and people of Nashville. Yeehaw! Country Music is my fave!! I also really enjoy running in cities that I love. It gives me a new appreciation for the city being able to see the city from a runner’s view.
I would encourage others to run CMM because it’s going to be a really FUN race and that is so important when it comes to running. Not only do you need to train hard and take care of yourself but you need to keep the element of fun in your running. CMM is just the race to do that! There are different distance options available, fantastic expo and great post race party! Not to mention the bling isn’t so bad either.
Fun Facts about Kristin:
– Half Marathons are her favorite distance, but she has completed 5 Full Marathons and CMM will be her 6th.
– Number one item on her bucketlist; be a contestant on the show “Survivor”.
Meet more of our Rock ‘n’ Blog Ambassadors on our Rock Blog!
Use Code BAMAGIRLRUNS for $10 off of registration here. Hurry!! The next price increase is Feb 1st!
Disclaimer: I received a complimentary race entry in exchange for my posts via blog, social media etc. Travel and accommodations are not included. All opinions are my own.
Monday, January 27, 2014
Look in The Mirror
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I was cruising through Pinterest this weekend and ran across this little jewel. WOW. So true.
Talk about a Monday Motivation...this really struck a nerve with me. I've been talking about this very word ALOT lately. Competition. Sigh....
There's SO much competition out there. All kinds. All levels. In all phases of life.
It seems like everyone else has got it going ON. But do they REALLY???
Probably not.
At the end of the day, or should I say "at the end of MY day"... I like this quote. It brings it all home for me.
"Look in the Mirror. That's your Competition."
YES. I like who I see in that mirror and that chick is pretty tough. She's going to be a hard one to go up against. ;)
So there you have it.....Happy Monday and Happy Running!
Friday, January 24, 2014
I'm a #DisneySide Host!
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Yipppppeeeeee!! I'm a Host!!! |
So needless to say, when I received the email saying that I was chosen out of thousands who had applied, I was beyond excited. Anything that has to do with Disney and Party.... Oh yeah, I'm loving it already.
What IS your Disney Side??
"Everyone has a Disney Side- that fun-loving adventurous spirit that comes out to play when you’re feeling the Disney magic! Whether you show your Disney Side through fashion, food, or your favorite characters, or frequent visits to Disney Parks, it’s time to let it shine. Gather your fellow Disney fans, grab your Mickey ears and prepare to sprinkle some pixie dust on those who cross your path as you let your Disney Side take over!"
What IS your Disney Side??
"Everyone has a Disney Side- that fun-loving adventurous spirit that comes out to play when you’re feeling the Disney magic! Whether you show your Disney Side through fashion, food, or your favorite characters, or frequent visits to Disney Parks, it’s time to let it shine. Gather your fellow Disney fans, grab your Mickey ears and prepare to sprinkle some pixie dust on those who cross your path as you let your Disney Side take over!"
I later found out that the Disney PR team and Leanne Jakubowski along with the one and only Maria Bailey, of Mom Talk Radio were the master party planners. SO Cool. I'm a total fangirl of Maria's and ANYTHING Disney, so without a doubt this is going to be just FABULOUS.
These are my tasks as far as what's expected from Maria and her team:
- Available to be a host of a Disney Side @Home Celebration between February 15th and March 1st, 2014.
- Host a gathering and invite friends to attend.
- Share your experience online via Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, your personal blog, and any other available social media channels.
- Participate in a short online survey after hosting your party, and share links to your social media posts.
The BEST part about this entire experience?!? I really do get to have my OWN Disney Side party, however I see fit to have it!! Oh the ideas are just swirling in my brain. I'm pretty sure that I've narrowed it down to one or two things and now I just need to figure out how to tie it all in together. Stay tuned for's going to be crazy fun!!
The excitement has been building. The anticipation is out of control. Maria has been posting teaser pics of boxes and boxes and boxes inside of U-Hauls FULL of party planning kits. She is sending them out in waves....Oh please let mine just get here already!!!
Monday, I was working from home and guess who drives up?!? Yep. The UPS man. I almost knocked him out with the front door to see what he was bringing me. No Disney Side kit. ugh.
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday....I'm out of town for work. OMG. I'm not home to check UPS deliveries. I'm seeing on Facebook, Twitter, Blogs....."We got our kits! They are spectacular! There are suitcases inside!" I. CAN'T. TAKE. IT.
Hubby calls me to tell me, "Hey Baby, You got a package in the mail from Disney". WHAAAAATTTTT???!!!? I'm ready to fly home right now to see what it is. I'm saying, "Describe the box. How big is it? Does it say Disney Side?" He says in his calmest voice. "No. This is small. You could fit it into one of the kids lunchboxes. I think it's another one of those Disney Magic Bracelet boxes that you keep getting." LOL. Now that made me laugh. Poor fella. He's just kinda clueless sometimes. That's alright. he plays along with my shenanigans.
So okay. I'm heading home tomorrow and am hoping that my Disney Side @Home Celebration Kit will be waiting at my doorstep. Unopened. If my kids get their hands on it...Oh good grief. I can't even think about it!!
I'll be posting on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and of course here on my blog all of the fun and exciting adventures of my DisneySide Party using the hashtag, #DisneySide!!
I'll be posting on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and of course here on my blog all of the fun and exciting adventures of my DisneySide Party using the hashtag, #DisneySide!!
For now, A BIG Thank you to the sponsors that are shipping my kit. I love you all dearly and cannot wait to be a part of this exciting campaign and receive my Disney Side @Home Celebration goodies!!
Disclaimer: I received free products in order to host the Disney Side @Home Celebration. The opinions expressed here are my own.
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
runDisney Family Fun Run 5k...3.1 Miles of FUN!
Disney Family Fun Run 5K |
So this was my plan: Run really hard between photo opps, stop for those "must-see" characters, realize that I've got four days of running ahead of me, don't panic ever and finish within the time constraint. Okay. I've got this!
I wake up really early, like 3am early, head to my shuttle and arrive at the Start Line super early. I was anxious. I was excited. I was ready.
I have my Mom (who was running the 5 and 10K this year), two of my friends Leigh and Dellain (who were also running all four races), and was meeting up with two of my pals, Carrie and Mary Jo (who were also running all four races). This was about to be a good time and I knew it. Again, I have been training for 6 months and I was excited!!
Up Bright and Early with Dellain, Leigh and GrandMary! |
Found DFreezy at the Start Line! |
Can not say enough how much I loved hanging out with these girls for all four races! |
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Found my friend Jillian volunteering for the 5k... she would later finish her first Marathon this weekend. Way to go Jillian! |
The Start line totally gets me pumped up every time. The National Anthem is sung, the music is playing and the announcers are getting the crowd going. I love this feeling!
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Start Line of the Disney Fun Run 5K! |
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Start Line Selfies! |
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....And we're off! Here we GOOOOOO! |
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WOW! I've never seen Daisy in her Norwegian costume! I like to call her "Norway Daisy Duck"! I know it's not proper grammar but I'm from Bama and it sounds cuter to me. :) |
We found these guys hanging out in France with about a 2-3 minute wait. I think the entire race was behind us in Germany with Dopey. I'll take it!
It's finally starting to get a little more daylight out. The night pics don't turn out that great with my iphone and I didn't bring my better camera for this race. I'm holding out for the Half and the Full with that! I'll need back up for my phone battery as well....We're almost done! Time for a Selfie!
Yahhhhooooo! Made it to the Finish Line! 3.1 of 48.6 Miles are DONE! That wasn't so bad...time for post-race pics, parks and FOOD!
Some of my favorite pictures from any Disney race (this one is no different), are the pictures in the parking lot after the race. Even though I've done race retreat before and I love it for what it is, it's really alot of fun goofing off with my friends and taking zillions of pics with our medals on. And heck, the character photo opps are great too!
We had such a fun morning at the Disney Family Fun Run 5K. I'm off to grab a quick shower, cup of coffee and will be ready to hit the Magic Kingdom all before 10am. Now THAT, my friends, is a magical day.
At the end of this day, I have to focus on my eating, my hydration, overall exhaustion and eating again. I'm pretty tired but I'm not stopping. I don't get to visit Walt Disney World everyday and I'm going to make the most of it. Thanks runDisney for a fun 5k....Next up, Day 2 of the Dopey Challenge including the Inaugural Walt Disney World 10K (Minnie themed). Fun times and lots of polka-dots ahead! Stay tuned.....
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Had to stop in France for a photo opp with these guys! |
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2 miles in...Epcot Selfies! |
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Awesome 5K Finish Line!! |
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Woah. That's alot of Bling! |
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Disney Fun Run 5K Finishers! 3.1 Miles..DONE! |
Found my pal Dave at the Finish! |
In a Chipmunk these guys! |
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Oh Hey Mickey!! |
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I'm pretty sure that Ellen reads my blog, right?!? Lol. |
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Yay for meeting new friends! Ran into Kristina after all four races!!! What are the odds? |
I'm a total fan of the Disney 5Ks! |
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Warning: Crazy People at the Finish Line. |
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My Mom, Pluto and Me after the race! |
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Ready to go play in the parks with my girls! |
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Running shoes on, coffee in hand, event shirt shirt on and medal around my neck... Yep. It's gonna be a good day in the Magic Kingdom! |
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My medal was so happy to find his very own statue at Magic Kingdom! :) |
Be Our Guest Restaurant for lunch. My view...SO glad it's sunny and beautiful out and NOT snowing! |
This place is just so gorgeous! |
Post race soup and sandwich at Be Our Guest Restaurant...Eating like a BEAST all weekend! True Story. |
Thanks for a great race, Pluto! |
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
Now it's time to say Goodbye...
This morning was a super sad morning for me. It's been one week and a day since I ran the Dopey Challenge and the finishers bracelets had to come off.
My husband said that I was starting to look like a deranged hospital patient. I'm starting to think he's right.
But still sad.
My Justin made the two rubber band bracelets for me so I will still wear those. One for Mickey colors and one for Dopey colors. He loves my running, such a sweet sweet boy to his Mama. ❤
Oh well. Time to move on...
I've got three halves in February, a 5k in March and a Full marathon scheduled for April.
No time for sadness.
New arm party and Spring running here I come. :)
Monday, January 20, 2014
I Dish Dopey Challenge
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I'm a Spotlight Guest on the Show! |
I had SO much fun chatting with the lovely Maria Bailey of Mom Talk Radio about Dopey Challenge! Anyone that knows me, knows that I could talk for days and days about this race and other runDisney races but I was super excited to give my quick recap to Maria in less than 10 minutes! I was completely humbled that they chose me to share my thoughts...Tune in to and hear my interview. :)
Thank you again to Maria Bailey for having me on!
Saturday, January 18, 2014
Dopey Challenge: A Sappy "Mom" Post
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Dopey Challenge Medal and Friends. :) |
When I first started out on this little thing that I like to call "what I do" now, I never realized that the races, medals and experiences would mean so much to me. I really just thought. "Cool. I'm going to run a Half Marathon at Disney." Oh so not the case....I've met SO many friends along the way, had so many good times and have gotten to share so many memories with my mom and sis.
Really. No one could have prepared me for that.
As I brought home all of my medals...yes, all six fabulous medals, I got a little teary-eyed putting them with their rightful family members. Yeah yeah yeah, I know this absolutely sounds like the writing of a crazy woman. Maybe so. I've had the crazy thoughts in my head that one day all of these medals will be left to my kids. Talk about morbid. OH GAH. It is morbid. But it's the truth.
Here's the thing...I have three children of whom I love with every fiber of my being. My favorite hobby is running. We are a family who loves all things Disney. One day when I'm long gone, they will look back at all of my pictures and all of my medals and hopefully know that I loved every single mile. No PR's, no hopes of being an elite athlete..just their Mom doing what she loved. Every race bringing home a different medal with thousands of pictures and stories along the way to show it.
Please bring on the magical Kleenex. I can't take it.
I look back at all of the pictures that I have of my mom, sis and I at the start, finish lines and playing in the parks during all of these races and I realize that I could not be any more blessed than this. Seriously. I might just be the luckiest girl in the world.
Me, Mickey, My Mom and Sis after the Inaugural Minnie 10K! |
Running with my kiddos through World Showcase! |
1. Be Thankful, Grateful and Content in all that you do.
2. Run because you love it, not because it's the "in" thing to do or for what others think of you.
3. Run your own race. You are your own person.
4. Train hard. Play hard. Accept your rewards graciously.
5. Pay it forward. Encourage others along the way. Others have encouraged you.
6. Family, friends and relationships are the most important. Don't lose sight of that.
7. And Always, Always Always....Have a Magical Day. :)
So yes, I'm collecting race medals that I can proudly pass on to my kids. I can't wait to tell my grandkids all of the many stories behind each medal. I know this is a little deep coming from me...I'm the biggest goof on the planet. That's okay. I've got lots of posts coming "re-cap style" with lots of funnies in them. But as for now, I will leave you with pictures of some of the pics of my medal collections from Marathon and Princess Weekends....I've got at least one more Coast to Coast and two Dopeys in my future! And the Princess medals...oh yeah, I'm going to be running that race until it's not in existence anymore so the grandkids are going to have alot of fun with those jewels.
Thanks for reading my sappy post...Happy running and see you at the Castle!
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Coast to Coast... One earned at Disneyland Resort and one earned at Walt Disney World Resort |
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Walt Disney World Marathon |
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Goofy's Race and Half Challenge |
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Walt Disney World Half Marathon |
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Princess Half Marathon...aka the Grandkid's collection! :) |
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
Country Music Marathon Discount Code
Register Today & Save $10 off registration using Code: BAMAGIRLRUNS |
Monday, January 6, 2014
#MotivationMonday Walt Disney World, Here I Come!!
I've been a BUSY girl packing up and handling all of the last minute details that I need to handle before I head to Walt Disney World to run 48.6 of the most magical miles on Earth!!! Eek! Did I just say that?!?
Taking care of the kids and making sure the hubby will be okay for a that's a need for whole different blog site. LOL.
I'm ready. I'm trained. And I'm excited!!!
I love everything about the races, the friends and most of all..the Parks!!! I can't wait to play, eat, and run down Main Street USA!!! Yipppeeeee!!!
The cute pic above is one of the art cards available in my virtual goody bag from Lasting Commemorative. Love goodies like this! Adorable.
I've gotta finish getting everything wrapped up! Happy Running and see you at the Castle!
Thursday, January 2, 2014
runDisney and New Balance: The Happiest Shoes on Earth!
2013 Version New Balance runDisney shoes (photo: runDisney) |
Remember these little beauties?!? These were the 2013 version of the runDisney-New Balance Limited edition Minnie Mouse Shoes. Even though they are last year's model...they are still gorgeous! And no, I was never lucky enough to make it to the expo when they had them in stock AND in my size! I'm still not happy about that!! Sad Bamagirl face. :(((
I really didn't think that runDisney and New Balance could top these shoes..... until they announced the new 2014 Models!! OH. MY. GOODNESS. The details! The characters! The colors! I'm in love!!!!
It broke my heart last year when I ran the Marathon because I wore all of the classic Mickey and Minnie colors. For 26.2 miles I had to watch runners run past me with those magical kicks on. Broken Heart, boring shoes on my feet and major Minnie Mouse shoe envy I tell ya. However, I did tell every single runner as they passed me, "cute shoes" and I meant it but I cannot let these slip by me again!!
So here they are!! Aren't they BEAUTIFUL???? Meet the new 2014 family. I have just laid my eyes on the utlimate running shoe Ohana. Running shoe OHHHHHANNNNA!!!!! Yeah!!
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There's a new 2014 Limited Edition runDisney New Balance family of shoes! (photo: Competitor Magazine) |
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(Photo: Competitor Magazine) |
I just can't quit looking at them! Each shoe has a different character featured on them, so many fun and cute details! Classic Disney. All about the details. I love everything about it. They are not too badly priced either....not more than I would pay for running shoes elsewhere.
These shoes are for Men, Women AND Kids...pretty much just like runDisney events! There's something for all ages. A distance for all runners. With shoes like these...Every Mile IS Magic!
Via Disney Parks Blog:
Over the past two months we shared details about the 860 V4 featuring Sorcerer Mickey and Pink Minnie, including exciting news that this model shoe will also be available in kids sizes. We introduced the faster looking 890 V4 to the New Balance runDisney family featuring Goofy and Cinderella. And we showed you new kits with race specific shoe liners and shoelace charms that you can purchase to personalize your runDisney race experience.
Well, now is your chance to see these amazing shoes for yourself. The accompanying video will give you a detailed look at each shoe and help you decide how you want to show your Disney Side at your next runDisney event.
These 2014 New Balance runDisney shoes will only be available at runDisney Health and Fitness Expos starting with next week’s Walt Disney World Marathon Weekend, January 8 – 11. Based on the success of the 2013 shoes and excitement building for the new 2014 shoes, we anticipate a big demand and special arrangements are being put in place to assist guests. For detailed information on how you can purchase shoes at next week’s expo, visit
On behalf of everyone at runDisney, I want to wish you a happy New Year! We invite you to follow us on runDisney Facebook, Twitter @runDisney and on runDisney Instagram for exciting news throughout the year."
Via Competitor Magazine:
"New Balance has designed two new runDisney running shoes for 2014: One is based on its updated 860v4 stability shoe ($125; with a Sorcerer Mickey theme for men and a pink polka-dot Minnie Mouse theme for women); the other is an adaptation of its revised 890v4 neutral cushioning shoe ($120; with an orange and blue Goofy theme for men, and a blue and white Cinderella motif for women). Race kits with footbeds highlighting each of the seven RunDisney races, collectible lace charms and a special sticker will be sold separately. The 860v4 shoe will be available in kids’ sizes ($72) with a Minnie/Mickey theme. The new shoes will debut at the Walt Disney World Marathon Weekend expo in Orlando, Fla., on Jan. 8–12 and will only be available at runDisney events."
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Sorcerer Mickey and Minnie Mouse New Balance 860v4 shoes! (Photo: Competitor Magazine) |
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Notice the stars and moons on the soles! (Photo: Competitor Magazine) |
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Princess shoes have arrived! (Photo: Competitor Magazine) |
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Loving the polka dots! (Photo: Competitor Magazine) |
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Polka dot soles...yes please! (Photo: Competitor Magazine) |
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Side view of the New Balance 860v4 Minnie Mouse shoes! (Photo: Competitor Magazine) |
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Cinderella themed New Balance 890v4 shoes! (Photo: Competitor Magazine) |
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Such a pretty blue! (Photo: Competitor Magazine) |
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The side view with lots of sparkles! (Photo: Competitor Magazine) |
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These shoes come with satin shoe laces.... (Photo: Competitor Magazine) |
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I'm pretty sure that the Cinderella shoes will match these gorgeous medals...don't ya think??? (Photo: runDisney) |
Happy Running and see you at the Castle!
**Will you be buying any of these new shoes??
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