This week I feel like I have just cashed in a few fastpasses to ride Space Mountain, The Twilight Zone Tower of Terror and Rock 'n' Roller Coaster Starring Aerosmith...all while taking a spin in my favorite pink teacup. ;)
If you have applied to become a member of the 2014
Disney Parks Moms Panel, then you are probably experiencing this same exact feeling! Now don't get me wrong, this is not a bad thing. In fact, it's the BEST way to feel about something that you really want. I can't remember when I wanted to be a part of something so bad that I did not have a just crazy amount of emotions and feelings swirling around in my head. These feelings are back again this week! What a huge honor it would be to be a part of this little family known as the Disney Parks Moms Panel that just keeps growing and growing.
Quote of the Week. :) |
I have tried (and I use that word loosely) to remain calm. I have tried to push away the feelings of being inadequate, not being the "right fit", re-thinking and wishing I could have changed some of my answers one million times! Yes. I have really tried to get those things out of my head! That's even hard for me to try to convince myself that I need to push these things out but I'm trying! I believe in the magic so I'm keeping my chin up!
There are just so many factors, feelings and emotions that go hand in hand when applying to be on the Disney Parks Moms Panel. There are questions, essays, answers, videos, friends, advice, knowledge, doubts, anticipation, patience, hopes, dreams and realities. I have applied several times and I am familiar with all of these factors, feeling and emotions too well by now. I am thankful for these things though. If it were an easy process and anyone could be on the panel, it would not be as special and magical as it is. Sometimes, the most valuable lesson that we can learn through these kinds of processes, we learn through dedication, hard work and perseverance. Perseverance is one of my favorite attributes that I possess and I strive to go the distance.
Being a runner, I have learned what it means to persevere. I equate this Moms Panel process to a marathon. First, you have to have the desire. You need a goal. A realistic goal. You will have to train hard. Train often. You need to be able to accept defeat. You will not win every race. You will need to pick yourself up and try again. Try and try again. And if you still don't make it. TRY AGAIN. Just when you are about to hit that wall...SNAP OUT OF IT! Yes, that wall is real and I've hit it several times. Keep running forward, one step at a time! There may even be girls wearing cuter skirts in the race than you! Noooo! <----(This one I don't like. ;) Okay so I'm joking about that one. ;)
There may be tears...there may be happiness...and there may even be a first place trophy at the finish line for you. No one said it would be easy and no one will judge you. You give it 110% and if you still do not make it, just know that you had the courage to start the race! You are running with thousands of your closest friends who share your same passion! Some will run faster. Some will run slower. You will have YOUR story to tell. You DO have your story to tell. It's YOUR race. It's YOUR experience. It's MY experience. Now get out there and finish the race!! Always finish strong!!
Me and Marathon Mickey! BFF's! |
Yeah!! I'm feeling like Rocky Balboa now!
I have thought about the Moms Panel all week and as I sit here tonight awaiting the results to be posted tomorrow, I am remembering the one reason that I have all of these anxious feelings....I love Disney. Wow. While that is not a newsflash to myself or to those that know me, I think about the possibilities of being able to help thousands of others plan a vacation to experience what I am able to experience and love. And just wow. How many people can REALLY say that they are able to do that??? I think at the end of the day, sharing MY experiences with people is really a powerful thing. Whether it's through a
runDisney event, which resort to stay at or even where to make dinner reservations...I would be THAT Mom helping other families, runners and vacationers make magical memories. There are no words. (Well maybe there are 100 words or less to describe these feelings). ;)
I am very hopeful tomorrow to receive that "Congratulations" email. If I don't dream it, I can't do it, right??
Good luck to all of the many many friends I have out there who are applying! You are all ROCKSTAR Moms, Dads and overall Disney Enthusiasts! I can't wait to hear who is marching on to the second round! Drop me a note here and let me know if you will be moving on or not...either way, I'm proud of you! You are in the race!
Now it's time to say goodbye...There's a Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow! xoxo