Sunday, June 25, 2017

Chicago Marathon/Dopey Challenge Training Week #3...After the Rain.

11 Mile Long Run..
My shoes were soaked!
Week #3 of my Chicago Marathon/Dooey Challenge training..How Did I do??

My Week 3 Training Called for:
06/19--Week 3
45 minutes
45 minutes
3 miles
5 miles

This is the Training that I did:

One hour YCross Class

45 min YCross Class
45 min Spin Class
45 min Cardio equipment (10 min Stair Climber, 10 min Elliptical, 10 min Treadmill)

15 min Core Workout
One hour Bootcamp

45 min YCross Class
3 Mile Run
30 min Lateral Elliptical Machine

4 Mile Run
One hour Bootcamp
45 Min Butts and Guts Workout

45 min Circuit Workout

11 Mile Run

Yay! I made up for the missed mileage from last week. There wasn't too much out of the ordinary happening for me this week. I had a really good training week, a great week at work, took a couple of solid naps and have been VERY mindful of my diet!

All week, across the state of Alabama, we have had some pretty bad storms...
Running outside has been almost impossible. I've logged a few extra miles on the treadmill. However, we managed to get our long run in Saturday morning with very little rain! We still had 94% humidity and light misting so needless to say, we were SOAKED but even at that, we had a great 11-mile run and post-run coffee. :)

Post run Coffee!
So far so good with my training...I'm having fun documenting my progress and my set backs. Next week, my training calls for a 9 mile long run. Hopefully, the weather will be much better this week and we will be able to get those miles in!

As for tonight, I'm off to snooze! I have a 4am wakeup call to start my workouts....Good night!

Happy Running, Happy Training and Happy Sunshine!
After the storms...
Ready for some sunshine next week!